# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
872044 2023-05-26 21:25:15 heno239heno239 No.2316 Freight Train C++17 AC 80 ms 6,016 bytes
871942 2023-05-26 21:21:49 heno239heno239 No.2315 Flying Camera C++17 AC 7 ms 5,916 bytes
871886 2023-05-26 21:20:26 heno239heno239 No.2314 Backflip C++17 AC 9 ms 5,699 bytes
870899 2023-05-20 13:50:06 heno239heno239 No.2311 [Cherry 5th Tune] Cherry Month C++17 CE - 5,852 bytes
870778 2023-05-19 23:59:45 heno239heno239 No.2305 [Cherry 5th Tune N] Until That Day... C++17 AC 6697 ms 16,573 bytes
870627 2023-05-19 22:52:30 heno239heno239 No.2305 [Cherry 5th Tune N] Until That Day... C++17(gcc12) MLE - 16,822 bytes
870429 2023-05-19 22:04:09 heno239heno239 No.2310 [Cherry 5th Tune A] Against Regret C++17 AC 402 ms 6,459 bytes
870398 2023-05-19 21:56:23 heno239heno239 No.2309 [Cherry 5th Tune D] 夏の先取り C++17 AC 187 ms 6,487 bytes
870350 2023-05-19 21:44:54 heno239heno239 No.2308 [Cherry 5th Tune B] もしかして、真? C++17 AC 364 ms 7,110 bytes
870333 2023-05-19 21:42:13 heno239heno239 No.2308 [Cherry 5th Tune B] もしかして、真? C++17 WA - 7,108 bytes
870323 2023-05-19 21:40:11 heno239heno239 No.2308 [Cherry 5th Tune B] もしかして、真? C++17 WA - 7,038 bytes
870301 2023-05-19 21:35:41 heno239heno239 No.2308 [Cherry 5th Tune B] もしかして、真? C++17 WA - 7,014 bytes
870274 2023-05-19 21:28:48 heno239heno239 No.2307 [Cherry 5 th Tune *] Cool 46 C++17 AC 287 ms 6,638 bytes
870238 2023-05-19 21:23:09 heno239heno239 No.2306 [Cherry 5th Tune C] ウソツキタマシイ C++17 AC 53 ms 5,974 bytes
869491 2023-05-14 20:58:07 heno239heno239 No.957 植林 C++17 CE - 7,515 bytes
869487 2023-05-14 19:45:54 heno239heno239 No.957 植林 C++17 TLE - 7,348 bytes
869044 2023-05-12 23:26:18 heno239heno239 No.956 Number of Unbalanced C++17 AC 50 ms 6,416 bytes
868753 2023-05-12 22:05:58 heno239heno239 No.2304 Distinct Elements C++17 AC 411 ms 9,497 bytes
868747 2023-05-12 22:04:43 heno239heno239 No.2304 Distinct Elements C++17 WA - 9,428 bytes
868727 2023-05-12 22:01:39 heno239heno239 No.2304 Distinct Elements C++17 WA - 6,221 bytes
868629 2023-05-12 21:49:25 heno239heno239 No.2304 Distinct Elements C++17 WA - 6,352 bytes
868619 2023-05-12 21:48:10 heno239heno239 No.2304 Distinct Elements C++17 WA - 6,494 bytes
868543 2023-05-12 21:40:19 heno239heno239 No.2303 Frog on Grid C++17 AC 70 ms 8,225 bytes
868512 2023-05-12 21:37:30 heno239heno239 No.2302 Carry X Times C++17 AC 10 ms 6,316 bytes
868442 2023-05-12 21:32:05 heno239heno239 No.2301 Namorientation C++17 AC 429 ms 6,900 bytes
868330 2023-05-12 21:25:56 heno239heno239 No.2300 Substring OR Sum C++17 AC 83 ms 5,996 bytes
868285 2023-05-12 21:23:59 heno239heno239 No.2299 Antitypoglycemia C++17 AC 17 ms 5,778 bytes
868257 2023-05-12 21:22:46 heno239heno239 No.2298 yukicounter C++17 AC 39 ms 6,079 bytes
868184 2023-05-12 21:20:37 heno239heno239 No.2297 Best Grouping C++17 AC 5 ms 5,769 bytes
866569 2023-05-05 22:36:34 heno239heno239 No.2296 Union Path Query (Hard) C++17 AC 849 ms 11,914 bytes
866440 2023-05-05 22:13:29 heno239heno239 No.2295 Union Path Query (Medium) C++17 AC 215 ms 7,003 bytes
866397 2023-05-05 22:05:12 heno239heno239 No.2294 Union Path Query (Easy) C++17 AC 220 ms 7,000 bytes
866362 2023-05-05 21:56:09 heno239heno239 No.2293 無向辺 2-SAT C++17 AC 119 ms 7,063 bytes
866314 2023-05-05 21:48:21 heno239heno239 No.2292 Interval Union Find C++17 AC 222 ms 7,553 bytes
866198 2023-05-05 21:31:04 heno239heno239 No.2291 Union Find Estimate C++17 AC 29 ms 7,033 bytes
866129 2023-05-05 21:23:17 heno239heno239 No.2290 UnUnion Find C++17 AC 152 ms 6,478 bytes
866093 2023-05-05 21:20:56 heno239heno239 No.2289 順列ソート C++17 AC 6 ms 5,912 bytes
866087 2023-05-05 21:10:03 heno239heno239 No.955 ax^2+bx+c=0 C++17 AC 31 ms 6,494 bytes
866084 2023-05-05 21:07:07 heno239heno239 No.955 ax^2+bx+c=0 C++17 WA - 6,435 bytes
866080 2023-05-05 20:56:16 heno239heno239 No.955 ax^2+bx+c=0 C++17 WA - 6,824 bytes
866079 2023-05-05 20:55:07 heno239heno239 No.955 ax^2+bx+c=0 C++17 WA - 6,777 bytes
866074 2023-05-05 19:57:34 heno239heno239 No.955 ax^2+bx+c=0 C++17 WA - 6,217 bytes
866065 2023-05-05 19:29:44 heno239heno239 No.954 Result C++17 AC 9 ms 6,069 bytes
866064 2023-05-05 19:26:00 heno239heno239 No.953 席 C++17 AC 107 ms 7,543 bytes
865818 2023-05-04 09:46:51 heno239heno239 No.952 危険な火薬庫 C++17 WA - 7,624 bytes
865817 2023-05-04 09:46:28 heno239heno239 No.952 危険な火薬庫 C++17 AC 88 ms 7,624 bytes
865816 2023-05-04 09:23:01 heno239heno239 No.951 【本日限定】1枚頼むともう1枚無料! C++17 AC 125 ms 6,238 bytes
865814 2023-05-04 09:16:21 heno239heno239 No.949 飲酒プログラミングコンテスト C++17 AC 121 ms 6,116 bytes
865776 2023-05-04 07:33:51 heno239heno239 No.948 Bomb vs Dush C++17 AC 24 ms 5,839 bytes
864813 2023-04-29 20:40:44 heno239heno239 No.947 ABC包囲網 C++17 AC 26 ms 7,909 bytes