# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
723220 2021-12-09 19:23:22 brthyyjp No.208 王将 PyPy3 WA - 167 bytes
723218 2021-12-09 19:21:29 brthyyjp No.208 王将 PyPy3 WA - 83 bytes
722927 2021-12-08 14:33:03 brthyyjp No.546 オンリー・ワン PyPy3 AC 75 ms 518 bytes
722768 2021-12-07 19:55:09 brthyyjp No.290 1010 PyPy3 AC 43 ms 207 bytes
722408 2021-12-06 16:25:29 brthyyjp No.273 回文分解 PyPy3 AC 39 ms 348 bytes
721988 2021-12-05 16:39:15 brthyyjp No.1396 Giri PyPy3 AC 73 ms 659 bytes
721689 2021-12-04 10:48:49 brthyyjp No.453 製薬会社 PyPy3 AC 33 ms 194 bytes
721687 2021-12-04 10:48:04 brthyyjp No.453 製薬会社 PyPy3 WA - 197 bytes
721510 2021-12-03 16:16:14 brthyyjp No.391 CODING WAR PyPy3 AC 178 ms 593 bytes
721260 2021-12-02 14:25:40 brthyyjp No.787 Mice and Traitors(ネズミ達と裏切り者) PyPy3 AC 41 ms 89 bytes
721040 2021-12-01 17:01:22 brthyyjp No.293 4>7の世界 PyPy3 AC 37 ms 426 bytes
720763 2021-11-30 08:38:59 brthyyjp No.745 letinopia raoha PyPy3 AC 40 ms 296 bytes
720625 2021-11-29 11:08:13 brthyyjp No.836 じょうよ PyPy3 AC 68 ms 146 bytes
720503 2021-11-28 12:39:36 brthyyjp No.865 24時間降水量 PyPy3 AC 801 ms 3,200 bytes
720502 2021-11-28 12:28:14 brthyyjp No.865 24時間降水量 PyPy3 WA - 3,200 bytes
720393 2021-11-27 17:21:33 brthyyjp No.1767 BLUE to RED PyPy3 AC 1241 ms 1,336 bytes
720050 2021-11-26 23:07:34 brthyyjp No.1764 Square PyPy3 AC 43 ms 227 bytes
719685 2021-11-26 13:54:53 brthyyjp No.1754 T-block Tiling PyPy3 AC 43 ms 218 bytes
719553 2021-11-25 15:31:12 brthyyjp No.599 回文かい PyPy3 AC 1699 ms 687 bytes
719358 2021-11-24 09:14:25 brthyyjp No.1750 ラムドスウイルスの感染拡大-hard PyPy3 AC 1909 ms 937 bytes
719357 2021-11-24 09:10:08 brthyyjp No.1750 ラムドスウイルスの感染拡大-hard PyPy3 TLE
- 914 bytes
719356 2021-11-24 09:09:56 brthyyjp No.1750 ラムドスウイルスの感染拡大-hard Python3 TLE - 914 bytes
719354 2021-11-24 09:04:14 brthyyjp No.1750 ラムドスウイルスの感染拡大-hard Python3 RE - 682 bytes
719353 2021-11-24 09:02:42 brthyyjp No.1750 ラムドスウイルスの感染拡大-hard PyPy3 TLE - 905 bytes
719352 2021-11-24 09:01:29 brthyyjp No.1750 ラムドスウイルスの感染拡大-hard PyPy3 TLE
- 817 bytes
719203 2021-11-23 11:37:35 brthyyjp No.1748 Parking Lot PyPy3 AC 41 ms 116 bytes
718959 2021-11-22 00:42:45 brthyyjp No.1749 ラムドスウイルスの感染拡大 PyPy3 AC 100 ms 455 bytes
718858 2021-11-21 16:46:05 brthyyjp No.403 2^2^2 PyPy3 AC 36 ms 166 bytes
718277 2021-11-20 00:19:15 brthyyjp No.1747 Many Formulae 2 PyPy3 AC 60 ms 550 bytes
717413 2021-11-19 00:35:56 brthyyjp No.11 カードマッチ PyPy3 AC 52 ms 296 bytes
717168 2021-11-18 01:07:41 brthyyjp No.1179 Quadratic Equation PyPy3 AC 44 ms 256 bytes
716963 2021-11-17 00:50:17 brthyyjp No.40 多項式の割り算 PyPy3 AC 47 ms 374 bytes
716962 2021-11-17 00:48:21 brthyyjp No.40 多項式の割り算 PyPy3 WA - 373 bytes
716961 2021-11-17 00:47:37 brthyyjp No.40 多項式の割り算 PyPy3 WA - 371 bytes
716884 2021-11-16 14:18:14 brthyyjp No.643 Two Operations No.2 PyPy3 AC 39 ms 156 bytes
716569 2021-11-15 01:47:44 brthyyjp No.99 ジャンピング駒 PyPy3 AC 85 ms 159 bytes
716332 2021-11-14 02:10:40 brthyyjp No.1739 Princess vs. Dragoness (& AoE) PyPy3 AC 2057 ms 574 bytes
716331 2021-11-14 02:08:51 brthyyjp No.1739 Princess vs. Dragoness (& AoE) PyPy3 TLE
- 708 bytes
716330 2021-11-14 02:06:10 brthyyjp No.1739 Princess vs. Dragoness (& AoE) PyPy3 AC 2609 ms 689 bytes
716329 2021-11-14 02:02:21 brthyyjp No.1739 Princess vs. Dragoness (& AoE) PyPy3 TLE
- 859 bytes
716328 2021-11-14 02:00:25 brthyyjp No.1739 Princess vs. Dragoness (& AoE) PyPy3 TLE
- 633 bytes
716327 2021-11-14 01:59:39 brthyyjp No.1739 Princess vs. Dragoness (& AoE) PyPy3 WA - 653 bytes
716068 2021-11-13 02:27:06 brthyyjp No.1736 Princess vs. Dragoness PyPy3 AC 90 ms 443 bytes
716067 2021-11-13 02:24:59 brthyyjp No.1736 Princess vs. Dragoness PyPy3 WA - 443 bytes
715643 2021-11-12 22:16:46 brthyyjp No.1740 Alone 'a' PyPy3 AC 636 ms 799 bytes
715471 2021-11-12 22:00:35 brthyyjp No.1736 Princess vs. Dragoness PyPy3 WA - 676 bytes
715171 2021-11-12 21:42:15 brthyyjp No.1736 Princess vs. Dragoness PyPy3 WA - 538 bytes
715109 2021-11-12 21:39:17 brthyyjp No.1736 Princess vs. Dragoness PyPy3 WA - 467 bytes
714982 2021-11-12 21:32:47 brthyyjp No.1738 What's in the box? PyPy3 AC 43 ms 199 bytes
714954 2021-11-12 21:31:17 brthyyjp No.1738 What's in the box? PyPy3 RE - 167 bytes