

ナンバー 問題名 レベル タグ 作問者 Solved Fav
2719 Equal Inner Products in Permutation ecottea 42 6
2715 Unique Chimatagram ecottea 139 3
2678 Minmax Independent Set (Hack) NokonoKotlin 30 2
2663 Zero-Sum Submatrices suisen 127 3
2655 Increasing Strides hamamu 123 4
2614 Delete ABC startcpp 168 0
2610 Decreasing LCMs 蜜蜂 68 2
2609 Decreasing GCDs 蜜蜂 117 1
2608 Divide into two 蜜蜂 150 1
2519 Coins in Array MasKoaTS 69 5
2411 Reverse Directions AngrySadEight 64 2
2410 Nine Numbers AngrySadEight 123 6
2353 Guardian Dogs in Spring AngrySadEight 143 13
2339 Factorial Paths SSRS 47 17
2256 Step by Step noya2 8 5
2228 Creeping Ghost AngrySadEight 94 6
2198 Concon Substrings (COuNt-CONstruct Version) AngrySadEight 64 3
2107 Entangled LIS Sumitacchan 9 1
2104 Multiply-Add Sumitacchan 62 2
2042 RGB Caps 箱星 124 21
2027 (1, 2, 3, …, N) 's Subset Sum Shirotsume 178 3
2025 Select $k$-th Submultiset hahho 29 1
1981 [Cherry 4th Tune N] アルゴリズムが破滅する例 Kazun 81 1
1974 2x2 Flipper magsta 86 4
1971 Easy Sudoku magsta 205 0
1915 Addition とりゐ 183 7
1910 High Element on Grid chineristAC 55 4
1880 Many Ways 37zigen 46 4
1854 Limited Bubble Sort 蜜蜂 21 0
1851 Regular Tiling 蜜蜂 68 5
1820 NandShift nok0 35 2
1819 Mirrored 2 nok0 44 4
1738 What's in the box? Shirotsume 178 0
1675 Strange Minimum Query stoq 148 14
1658 Product / Sum 箱星 176 20
1650 Moving Coins chocorusk 184 7
1635 Let’s Sort Integers!! とりゐ 14 2
1619 Coccinellidae nok0 141 3
1589 Bit Vector e869120 43 10
1571 All Your Cycles Are Same Lengths PCTprobability 31 2
1530 Permutation and Popcount PCTprobability 28 12
1528 Not 1 PCTprobability 203 0
1523 +/- Tree NatsubiSogan 51 0
1519 Diversity NatsubiSogan 113 5
1508 Avoid being hit 遭難者 43 1
1434 Make Maze tyawanmusi 54 6
1427 Simplified Tetris 箱星 27 3
1423 Triangle of Multiples 箱星 223 9
1405 ジグザグロボット CuriousFairy315 4 3
1404 誕生日プレゼント CuriousFairy315 6 2