ナンバー 問題名 レベル タグ 作問者 Solved Fav
5020 Averaging e869120 94 2
5018 Let's Make a Best-seller Book e869120 33 1
5016 Worst Mayor e869120 46 2
3055 2019(注:異常な難易度です) e869120 7 2
3047 Riddle of Cards e869120 130 0
1600 Many Shortest Path Problems e869120 18 7
1599 Hikyaku e869120 7 1
1598 4×4 Grid e869120 65 10
1597 Matrix Sort e869120 178 10
1596 Distance Sum in 2D Plane e869120 256 10
1595 The Final Digit e869120 297 6
1594 Three Classes e869120 348 3
1593 Perfect Distance e869120 392 4
1592 Tenkei 90 e869120 436 4
1591 Two Digits e869120 521 4
1590 Random Shopping e869120 39 2
1589 Bit Vector e869120 44 10
1588 Connection e869120 133 3
1587 012 Matrix e869120 153 9
1586 Equal Array e869120 282 2
1585 Cubic Number e869120 308 2
1125 Without Parallelogram e869120 16 0
1124 Earthquake Safety e869120 30 6
1123 Afforestation e869120 18 3
1122 Plane Tickets e869120 34 4
1121 Social Distancing in Cinema e869120 44 10
1120 Strange Teacher e869120 226 13
1119 Division 3 e869120 493 4
894 二種類のバス e869120 287 2
869 ふたつの距離 e869120 5 1
868 ハイパー部分和問題 e869120 35 2
867 避難経路 e869120 36 2
866 レベルKの正方形 e869120 57 7
865 24時間降水量 e869120 155 2
864 四方演算 e869120 228 13
863 計算量 e869120 339 4
691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 e869120 13 3
690 E869120 and Constructing Array 4 e869120 78 2
689 E869120 and Constructing Array 3 e869120 98 5
688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 e869120 225 2
687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 e869120 562 3
655 E869120 and Good Triangles e869120 22 1
654 Air E869120 e869120 134 9
653 E869120 and Lucky Numbers e869120 118 3
652 E869120 and TimeZone e869120 156 3
651 E869120 and Driving e869120 514 4
624 Santa Claus and The Last Dungeon e869120 9 1
576 E869120 and Rings e869120 33 5
493 とても長い数列と文字列(Long Long Sequence and a String) e869120 39 2
491 10^9+1と回文 e869120 149 10