

ナンバー 問題名 レベル タグ 作問者 Solved Fav
2504 NOT Path Painting suisen 25 2
2503 Typical Path Counting Problem on a Grid suisen 32 6
2502 Optimization in the Dark suisen 35 4
2501 Maximum Inversion Number suisen 54 3
2500 Products in a Range suisen 59 1
2499 Sum of Products of Sums KumaTachiRen 28 6
2498 OX Operations KumaTachiRen 19 1
2497 GCD of LCMs KumaTachiRen 62 0
2496 LCM between Permutations KumaTachiRen 54 5
2495 Three Sets KumaTachiRen 55 2
2494 Sum within Components KumaTachiRen 161 0
2493 K-th in L2 with L1 KumaTachiRen 144 0
2492 Knapsack Problem? KumaTachiRen 229 0
2491 Pochi and A Warp Machine Cyanmond 4 2
2490 Escalator ytqm3 4 1
2489 X and Xor 2 ytqm3 9 1
2488 Mod Sum Maximization shiomusubi496 23 5
2487 Multiple of M ytqm3 25 2
2486 Don't come next to me takumaiq 93 4
2485 Add to Variables (Another) ytqm3 35 3
2484 Add to Variables Magentor 38 3
2483 Yet Another Increasing XOR Problem ytqm3 32 3
2482 Sandglasses Magentor 68 10
2481 Shiritori shiomusubi496 102 3
2480 Sequence Sum keisuke6 138 9
2479 Sum of Squares takumaiq 196 1
2478 Disjoint-Sparse-Table Optimization nok0 5 0
2477 Drifting だれ 17 0
2476 Knight Game nok0 11 1
2475 Distance Permutation nok0 8 0
2474 Empty Quartz SPD_9X2 23 1
2473 Fraises dans une boîte SPD_9X2 6 5
2472 Tea time in the grand garden SPD_9X2 13 3
2471 Gemini Tree(Ver.Lapislazuli) SPD_9X2 6 0
2470 Gemini Tree(Ver.Jadeite) SPD_9X2 6 0
2469 Umbrella Queries SPD_9X2 36 0
2468 Mercurialist SPD_9X2 12 0
2467 Sum of Product of Binomial Coefficients だれ 38 1
2464 To DAG Nachia 32 3
2463 ストレートフラッシュ Nachia 73 0
2462 七人カノン Nachia 115 1
2461 一点張り Nachia 150 3
2460 #強調# Nachia 238 0
2459 Stampaholic (Hard) srjywrdnprkt 20 3
2458 Line Up Charged Balls srjywrdnprkt 30 0
2457 Stampaholic (Easy) srjywrdnprkt 39 0
2456 Stamp Art srjywrdnprkt 63 2
2455 Numbers Dictionary srjywrdnprkt 41 2
2454 Former < Latter srjywrdnprkt 82 3
2453 Seat Allocation srjywrdnprkt 98 1