# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
910043 2023-09-01 22:43:14 Focus_Sash No.2453 Seat Allocation C++17 AC 75 ms 5,363 bytes
910029 2023-09-01 22:41:19 Focus_Sash No.2453 Seat Allocation C++17 RE - 5,363 bytes
910026 2023-09-01 22:40:28 Focus_Sash No.2453 Seat Allocation C++17(gcc12) RE - 5,356 bytes
910009 2023-09-01 22:37:42 Focus_Sash No.2453 Seat Allocation C++17 RE - 5,325 bytes
909797 2023-09-01 21:57:58 Focus_Sash No.2452 Incline C++17 AC 112 ms 5,391 bytes
909625 2023-09-01 21:35:47 Focus_Sash No.2451 Redistribute Integers C++17 AC 459 ms 4,590 bytes
909623 2023-09-01 21:35:33 Focus_Sash No.2451 Redistribute Integers C++17 AC 382 ms 4,677 bytes
909567 2023-09-01 21:29:17 Focus_Sash No.2450 99-like Number C++17 AC 2 ms 4,618 bytes
909560 2023-09-01 21:29:02 Focus_Sash No.2450 99-like Number C++17 AC 2 ms 4,705 bytes
907875 2023-08-25 22:23:25 Focus_Sash No.2444 一次変換と体積 C++17(gcc12) WA - 8,667 bytes
907873 2023-08-25 22:22:29 Focus_Sash No.2444 一次変換と体積 C++17(gcc12) WA - 8,650 bytes
907788 2023-08-25 22:00:03 Focus_Sash No.2442 線形写像 C++17(gcc12) AC 325 ms 8,885 bytes
907660 2023-08-25 21:36:43 Focus_Sash No.2442 線形写像 C++17(gcc12) WA - 4,733 bytes
907658 2023-08-25 21:36:24 Focus_Sash No.2442 線形写像 C++17(gcc12) WA - 4,844 bytes
907609 2023-08-25 21:28:39 Focus_Sash No.2441 行列累乗 C++17 AC 1 ms 8,304 bytes
907607 2023-08-25 21:28:13 Focus_Sash No.2441 行列累乗 C++17(gcc12) AC 2 ms 8,507 bytes
898998 2023-08-05 10:57:50 Focus_Sash No.2406 Difference of Coordinate Squared C++17 AC 471 ms 4,762 bytes
898995 2023-08-05 10:53:59 Focus_Sash No.2406 Difference of Coordinate Squared C++17 TLE - 4,682 bytes
898993 2023-08-05 10:52:39 Focus_Sash No.2406 Difference of Coordinate Squared C++17 RE - 4,696 bytes
898269 2023-08-04 21:45:36 Focus_Sash No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 5,307 bytes
898103 2023-08-04 21:33:52 Focus_Sash No.2402 Dirty Stairs and Shoes C++17 AC 29 ms 3,178 bytes
898102 2023-08-04 21:33:45 Focus_Sash No.2402 Dirty Stairs and Shoes C++17 AC 30 ms 3,289 bytes
897992 2023-08-04 21:27:25 Focus_Sash No.2401 Dirty Shoes and Stairs C++17 AC 17 ms 2,612 bytes
897852 2023-08-04 21:23:04 Focus_Sash No.2400 Product of Gaussian Integer C++17 AC 2 ms 2,371 bytes
897835 2023-08-04 21:22:39 Focus_Sash No.2400 Product of Gaussian Integer C++17 AC 2 ms 2,482 bytes
897758 2023-08-04 21:21:09 Focus_Sash No.2399 This Is Truly Final Edition C++17 AC 2 ms 2,395 bytes
897740 2023-08-04 21:20:53 Focus_Sash No.2399 This Is Truly Final Edition C++17 AC 19 ms 2,507 bytes
897239 2023-08-01 22:31:32 Focus_Sash No.2396 等差二項展開 C++17 AC 1253 ms 3,525 bytes
897238 2023-08-01 22:31:25 Focus_Sash No.2396 等差二項展開 C++17 AC 1259 ms 3,641 bytes
897237 2023-08-01 22:31:13 Focus_Sash No.2396 等差二項展開 C++17 AC 1206 ms 3,641 bytes
896197 2023-07-28 22:10:01 Focus_Sash No.2395 区間二次変換一点取得 C++17 AC 1347 ms 6,719 bytes
896095 2023-07-28 21:50:31 Focus_Sash No.2394 部分和乗総和 C++17 AC 241 ms 2,920 bytes
896029 2023-07-28 21:40:58 Focus_Sash No.2393 Bit Grid Connected Component C++17 AC 37 ms 2,506 bytes
895896 2023-07-28 21:27:59 Focus_Sash No.2392 二平方和 C++17 AC 3 ms 3,047 bytes
895893 2023-07-28 21:27:35 Focus_Sash No.2392 二平方和 C++17 AC 4 ms 3,134 bytes
700675 2021-09-17 23:08:47 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 AC 533 ms 4,699 bytes
700672 2021-09-17 23:08:07 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 RE - 4,726 bytes
700667 2021-09-17 23:06:15 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 WA - 4,693 bytes
700665 2021-09-17 23:05:38 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 RE - 4,643 bytes
700650 2021-09-17 23:02:20 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 WA - 4,679 bytes
700646 2021-09-17 23:00:48 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 WA - 4,610 bytes
700645 2021-09-17 23:00:15 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 WA - 4,676 bytes
700639 2021-09-17 22:58:50 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 WA - 4,627 bytes
700631 2021-09-17 22:54:12 Focus_Sash No.1683 Robot Guidance C++17 WA - 4,610 bytes
700551 2021-09-17 22:31:45 Focus_Sash No.1682 Unfair Game C++17 AC 2 ms 4,297 bytes
700369 2021-09-17 21:53:59 Focus_Sash No.1681 +-* C++17 AC 45 ms 3,866 bytes
700309 2021-09-17 21:45:24 Focus_Sash No.1680 Sum and Difference C++17 AC 2 ms 3,869 bytes
700301 2021-09-17 21:44:16 Focus_Sash No.1680 Sum and Difference C++17 WA - 3,836 bytes
698686 2021-09-10 23:59:39 Focus_Sash No.1675 Strange Minimum Query C++17 WA - 9,485 bytes
698573 2021-09-10 23:18:17 Focus_Sash No.1675 Strange Minimum Query C++17 AC 341 ms 4,068 bytes