

ナンバー 問題名 レベル タグ 作問者 Solved Fav
1864 Shortest Paths Counting Chippppp 47 4
1863 Xor Sum 2...? NaHCO314 79 5
1862 Copy and Paste Chippppp 43 3
1861 Required Number sushitoruna 91 9
1860 Magnets MtSaka 185 1
1859 ><<< Shirotsume 40 5
1858 Gorgeous Knapsack Shirotsume 59 5
1857 Gacha Addiction Mitarushi 31 1
1856 Mex Sum 2 蜜蜂 32 1
1855 Intersected Lines 蜜蜂 17 2
1854 Limited Bubble Sort 蜜蜂 21 0
1853 Many Operations 蜜蜂 11 0
1852 Divide or Reduce 蜜蜂 53 5
1851 Regular Tiling 蜜蜂 68 5
1850 Rewrite Product 蜜蜂 165 3
1849 Three Times Value matcharate12 99 2
1848 Long Prefixes potato167 30 2
1847 Good Sequence potato167 42 0
1846 Good Binary Matrix potato167 80 7
1845 Long Substrings potato167 81 4
1844 Divisors Sum Sum potato167 127 2
1843 Tree ANDistance potato167 139 5
1842 Decimal Point potato167 112 14
1841 Long Long potato167 332 0
1840 Random Painting Sumitacchan 16 8
1839 Concatenation Matrix Sumitacchan 24 1
1838 Modulo Straight Sumitacchan 33 5
1837 Same but Different Sumitacchan 58 5
1836 Max Matrix Sumitacchan 90 15
1835 Generalized Monty Hall Problem Sumitacchan 128 3
1834 1D Gravity riano 12 4
1833 Subway Planning riano 41 2
1832 NAND Reversible riano 56 8
1831 Parasol riano 87 14
1830 Balanced Majority riano 73 7
1829 Möbius Tunnelling riano 166 1
1828 Except 3 matcharate12 123 1
1827 最長部分スーパーリッチ門松列列 mai 55 7
1826 Fruits Collecting IKyopro 58 9
1825 Except One Shirotsume 96 10
1824 門\松\列 mai 143 1
1823 Tricolor Dango Shirotsume 178 7
1822 Keima of Shogi Digwee_kkkn 203 1
1821 LEQ-GEQ Permutations nok0 24 7
1820 NandShift nok0 35 2
1819 Mirrored 2 nok0 44 4
1818 6 Operations nok0 47 18
1817 Reversed Edges nok0 145 6
1816 MUL-DIV Game nok0 154 9
1815 K色問題 okkuukenken 17 0