

ナンバー 問題名 レベル タグ 作問者 Solved Fav
1642 Registration 蜜蜂 355 1
1641 Tree Xor Query harurun 137 3
1640 簡単な色塗り harurun 104 5
1639 最小通信路 harurun 177 2
1638 Robot Maze harurun 183 4
1637 Easy Tree Query harurun 226 1
1636 harurun 369 1
1635 Let’s Sort Integers!! とりゐ 15 2
1634 Sorting Integers (Multiple of K) Hard とりゐ 33 1
1633 Sorting Integers (Multiple of 2^K) とりゐ 22 0
1632 Sorting Integers (GCD of M) とりゐ 46 5
1631 Sorting Integers (Multiple of K) Easy とりゐ 83 0
1630 Sorting Integers (Greater than K) とりゐ 95 4
1629 Sorting Integers (SUM of M) とりゐ 173 9
1628 Sorting Integers (MAX of M) とりゐ 302 4
1627 三角形の成立 null 28 4
1626 三角形の構築 null 46 1
1625 三角形の質問 null 39 0
1624 三角形の反射 null 78 9
1623 三角形の制作 null 139 2
1622 三角形の面積 null 302 2
1621 Sequence Inversions だれ 72 5
1620 Substring Sum だれ 164 16
1619 Coccinellidae nok0 143 3
1618 Convolution? nok0 172 5
1617 Palindrome Removal だれ 178 8
1616 Joke だれ 341 8
1615 Double Down ygussany 10 1
1614 Majority Painting on Tree ygussany 27 4
1613 Rush and Remove ygussany 63 8
1612 I hate Construct a Palindrome ygussany 45 2
1611 Minimum Multiple with Double Divisors ygussany 122 22
1610 She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not, ... ygussany 155 3
1609 String Division Machine SPD_9X2 36 4
1608 Yet Another Ants Problem SPD_9X2 45 9
1607 Kth Maximum Card SPD_9X2 89 4
1606 Stuffed Animals Keeper SPD_9X2 115 6
1605 Matrix Shape SPD_9X2 96 18
1604 Swap Sort:ONE SPD_9X2 173 8
1603 Manhattan Social Distance SPD_9X2 170 4
1602 With Animals into Institute 2 ygussany 12 3
1601 With Animals into Institute ygussany 76 2
1600 Many Shortest Path Problems e869120 18 7
1599 Hikyaku e869120 7 1
1598 4×4 Grid e869120 65 10
1597 Matrix Sort e869120 178 10
1596 Distance Sum in 2D Plane e869120 256 10
1595 The Final Digit e869120 297 6
1594 Three Classes e869120 348 3
1593 Perfect Distance e869120 392 4