

ナンバー 問題名 レベル タグ 作問者 Solved Fav
1926 Sequence of Remainders ripity 153 1
1925 悪鬼三七次元 37zigen 7 4
1924 3 color painting on a line 37zigen 13 4
1923 Divisor Array ebi_fly 8 1
1922 Separate and Attach 0214sh7 21 6
1921 Range LthKth Query tatyam 7 3
1920 Territory とりゐ 18 3
1919 Many Monster Battles とりゐ 22 3
1918 Simple Math ? とりゐ 34 8
1917 LCMST とりゐ 69 20
1916 Making Palindrome on Gird とりゐ 82 7
1915 Addition とりゐ 186 7
1914 Directed by Two Sequences chineristAC 5 2
1913 Periodic Comparison chineristAC 11 6
1912 Get together 2 chineristAC 45 7
1911 Alternately Coloring chineristAC 23 4
1910 High Element on Grid chineristAC 55 4
1909 Detect from Substrings chineristAC 73 2
1908 Assault for Keys chineristAC 159 5
1907 DETERMINATION hitonanode 24 2
1906 Twinkle Town hitonanode 17 8
1905 PURE PHRASE hitonanode 89 9
1904 Never giving up! hitonanode 168 4
1903 Day1 hitonanode 264 2
1902 AC Ratio ymmtr(せるたわーしーぷ!) 181 0
1901 bitwise xor convolution (characteristic 2) noshi91 11 3
1900 Don't be Powers of 2 Shirotsume 45 7
1899 L1 Cafe Shirotsume 50 3
1898 Battle and Exchange Shirotsume 33 3
1897 Sum of 2nd Max Shirotsume 83 5
1896 Arrays and XOR Procedure 2 Shirotsume 67 3
1895 Mod 2 Shirotsume 105 13
1894 Delete AB Shirotsume 125 4
1893 Cycle Shirotsume 267 1
1891 Static Xor Range Composite Query SSRS 21 5
1890 Many Sequences Sum Queries matcharate12 55 1
1889 K Consecutive Ks (Hard) miscalc 21 6
1888 Odd Insertion miscalc 11 3
1887 K Consecutive Ks (Easy) miscalc 49 1
1886 Sum of Slide Max miscalc 89 6
1885 Flat Permutation miscalc 122 11
1884 Sequence miscalc 163 5
1883 SLASH miscalc 323 1
1882 Areas of Triangle matcharate12 88 0
1881 Everything is the same... 37zigen 6 1
1880 Many Ways 37zigen 46 4
1879 How many matchings? 37zigen 52 5
1878 union-find の数え上げ 37zigen 40 6
1877 俺自身が線グラフになることだ 37zigen 62 1
1876 Xor of Sum ytqm3 43 4