# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
662908 2021-06-04 15:35:53 etale.K3 No.521 Cheeses and a Mousetrap(チーズとネズミ捕り) Python3 AC 32 ms 99 bytes
662718 2021-06-03 12:37:27 etale.K3 No.538 N.G.S. Python3 AC 28 ms 61 bytes
662558 2021-06-02 13:03:10 etale.K3 No.544 Delete 7 Python3 AC 31 ms 61 bytes
662339 2021-06-01 14:42:55 etale.K3 No.549 素材合成システム Python3 AC 75 ms 89 bytes
662220 2021-05-31 23:18:37 etale.K3 No.554 recurrence formula Python3 AC 73 ms 129 bytes
661970 2021-05-30 16:04:08 etale.K3 No.561 東京と京都 Python3 AC 34 ms 179 bytes
661713 2021-05-29 11:38:32 etale.K3 No.560 ふしぎなナップサック Python3 AC 31 ms 47 bytes
660842 2021-05-28 13:59:24 etale.K3 No.582 キャンディー・ボックス3 Python3 AC 31 ms 125 bytes
660689 2021-05-27 13:10:23 etale.K3 No.593 4進FizzBuzz Python3 AC 48 ms 78 bytes
660536 2021-05-26 13:16:20 etale.K3 No.592 括弧の対応 (2) Python3 AC 244 ms 206 bytes
660394 2021-05-25 14:28:34 etale.K3 No.598 オーバーフローファンタジー Python3 AC 31 ms 87 bytes
660167 2021-05-24 00:30:44 etale.K3 No.643 Two Operations No.2 Python3 AC 28 ms 153 bytes
659967 2021-05-23 00:19:03 etale.K3 No.642 Two Operations No.1 Python3 AC 31 ms 103 bytes
659736 2021-05-22 01:02:46 etale.K3 No.1511 A ? B Problem Python3 AC 35 ms 43 bytes
658932 2021-05-21 17:27:20 etale.K3 No.648  お や す み  Python3 AC 29 ms 89 bytes
658752 2021-05-20 11:42:34 etale.K3 No.668 6.0*10^23 Python3 AC 63 ms 122 bytes
658680 2021-05-19 22:30:03 etale.K3 No.667 Mice's Luck(ネズミ達の運) Python3 AC 244 ms 125 bytes
658446 2021-05-18 14:02:05 etale.K3 No.708 (+ー)の式 Python3 AC 33 ms 20 bytes
658269 2021-05-17 18:33:12 etale.K3 No.723 2つの数の和 Python3 AC 114 ms 149 bytes
658009 2021-05-16 13:21:23 etale.K3 No.746 7の倍数 Python3 AC 34 ms 71 bytes
657683 2021-05-15 00:06:41 etale.K3 No.786 京都大学の過去問 Python3 AC 29 ms 73 bytes
656567 2021-05-14 00:38:02 etale.K3 No.793 うし数列 2 Python3 AC 28 ms 107 bytes
656511 2021-05-13 19:50:38 etale.K3 No.816 Beautiful tuples Python3 AC 31 ms 176 bytes
656317 2021-05-12 19:58:50 etale.K3 No.894 二種類のバス Python3 AC 32 ms 111 bytes
656144 2021-05-11 14:46:59 etale.K3 No.904 サメトロ Python3 AC 33 ms 184 bytes
656020 2021-05-10 19:39:19 etale.K3 No.909 たぴの配置 Python3 AC 391 ms 185 bytes
655903 2021-05-09 22:59:47 etale.K3 No.921 ずんだアロー Python3 AC 84 ms 240 bytes
655524 2021-05-08 11:40:32 etale.K3 No.1499 羊が、何匹だっけ Python3 AC 31 ms 105 bytes
655416 2021-05-07 23:54:58 etale.K3 No.929 よくあるボールを移動するやつ Python3 AC 89 ms 134 bytes
654539 2021-05-06 11:31:10 etale.K3 No.933 おまわりさんこいつです Python3 AC 70 ms 170 bytes
654359 2021-05-05 14:03:10 etale.K3 No.970 数列変換マシン Python3 AC 135 ms 96 bytes
654356 2021-05-05 14:00:13 etale.K3 No.970 数列変換マシン Python3 TLE - 89 bytes
654045 2021-05-04 15:25:06 etale.K3 No.982 Add Python3 AC 31 ms 97 bytes
653698 2021-05-03 13:42:23 etale.K3 No.999 てん vs. ほむ Python3 AC 140 ms 165 bytes
653460 2021-05-02 15:07:26 etale.K3 No.1010 折って重ねて Python3 AC 31 ms 197 bytes
653315 2021-05-01 22:40:20 etale.K3 No.1491 銀将 Python3 AC 29 ms 26 bytes
652336 2021-04-30 14:41:38 etale.K3 No.1042 愚直大学 Python3 AC 31 ms 191 bytes
652049 2021-04-29 11:35:01 etale.K3 No.1048 Zero (Advanced) Python3 AC 31 ms 77 bytes
651851 2021-04-28 00:52:01 etale.K3 No.1052 電子機器X Python3 AC 29 ms 78 bytes
651710 2021-04-27 10:14:54 etale.K3 No.1064 ∪∩∩ / Cup Cap Cap Python3 AC 29 ms 150 bytes
651541 2021-04-26 10:05:58 etale.K3 No.1082 XORのXOR Python3 AC 461 ms 93 bytes
651383 2021-04-25 10:31:42 etale.K3 No.1096 Range Sums Python3 AC 165 ms 118 bytes
651316 2021-04-24 23:04:38 etale.K3 No.1485 運賃 Python3 AC 32 ms 36 bytes
650417 2021-04-23 16:15:20 etale.K3 No.1101 鼻水 Python3 AC 30 ms 74 bytes
650258 2021-04-22 23:00:26 etale.K3 No.1110 好きな歌 Python3 AC 805 ms 162 bytes
650021 2021-04-21 12:32:28 etale.K3 No.1113 二つの整数 / Two Integers Python3 AC 30 ms 155 bytes
649923 2021-04-20 21:54:43 etale.K3 No.1169 Row and Column and Diagonal Python3 AC 134 ms 159 bytes
649769 2021-04-19 22:25:31 etale.K3 No.1198 お菓子配り-1 Python3 AC 34 ms 68 bytes
649399 2021-04-18 01:03:47 etale.K3 No.1218 Something Like a Theorem Python3 AC 30 ms 232 bytes
649129 2021-04-17 10:39:08 etale.K3 No.1237 EXP Multiple! Python3 AC 109 ms 281 bytes